Hello, im a total rookie newb to under rail from classic fallout. I was wondering if someone could help me make a build that could get me through the game on normal (doesnt have to be anything special or any specific playstile
For a total rookie, i suggest this:
Str 6
Dex 3
Agi 7
Con 3
Per 10
Will 3
Int 8
These stats:
- Str 6: allows to use all sorts of Guns (not Heavy Guns). Guns include grenade launchers, assault rifles, sniper rifles, SMGs, pistols (including energy and chemical pistols). Guns are "bread and butter" and is the most versatile and reliable offense to start playing the game with. Some few guns require Str 7, which you can easily get with food buff if desired;
- Agi 7: Stealth is very useful in this game, and Interloper is the best Stealth feat by far - requires Agi 7. Sprint requires Agi 6 and is very good, too. Agility also increases mobility - great for a new player;
- Per 10: increases Guns accuracy, Guns damage, required for some great sniper feats if you'd go that way. Also detects hidden enemies, secrets, passages, and mines. All great for a new player;
- Int 8: increases effective values of crafting skills, hacking, mercantile - the latter two skills i highly recommend for a new player (Mercantile to effective 105 is enough, Hacking to effective 130 is enough), as these two skills (at said values) unlock lots of high quality goods at merchants and various extra goods and quest paths in all sorts of places. Crafting skills - best way to figure out if you like them is to try them, and higher Int helps not to waste most of your skill points into crafting skills only;
- Con 3: normal mode is quite forgiving about health and medicine efficiency. Con 3 builds are most powerful for most types of characters. And it's not oh so massive extra health from a few extra points in Con. You're likely to get higher health bonus from a certain crafted high quality armor;
- Will 3: if you're not planning to deal main damage with psionics - and as a Guns build you ain't - then you don't need higher than 3. That said, lots of useful Psi abilities are great at Will 3 nonetheless, if you decide to learn any;
- Dex 3: most of the time this is "all or nothing" stat: dedicated pistol and SMG builds go max Dex and Versatility feat, but normal Guns builds go Perception as a main stat and not much if any into Dex.
Skill-wise, i recommend:
- maxing out Guns and Stealth every level,
- getting 60...90 effective Lockpicking ("effective" means actual value shown in character screen after all current bonuses / synergies are applied),
- ~80sh effective Hacking ASAP,
- 20sh in effective Biology and Chemistry not later than level ~10 - for basic crafts and Toxic Gas grenades (these are extremely powerful - up to +200% damage taken to affected foes at max 20 stacks of the debuff),
- ~80...90 in hard-point (actually spent skll points) Electronics: energy shield emitters, smart night vision goggles, cloaking devices are all great things to make;
- ~80 in hard-point Mechanics, to craft all sorts of high-quality guns (you'll find parts both from loot and sold by many merchants)
- ~90 in hard-point Throwing (hand grenades are useful and don't occupy a weapon slot, especially higher grade ones - up to mk5 - if crafted with higher Chemistry / Electronics, but using them with any tolerable accuracy requires about that much skill in Throwing);
Overall, there's enough skill points to max out exactly 8 skills - or get more than 8 skills somewhat developed if you don't max out some of them, so keep that in mind. Over-spending in some skill can make you regret it later. All proposed above - sums up to some 700sh skill points spent, out of total 1280 skill points earnable by maximum level (30, assuming you have Expedition DLC installed). There are many various items (equipment, consumables, even work benches in your house once you get one and buy some) to boost some skills, and some more items to boost some stats - which in turn add to all skills based on a particular boosted stat.
P.S. Good luck, whichever build you decide to go with. o7