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Grampus' hideout

A seasonal random event that leads the player into Grampus' hideout. Upon entering, Grampus will immediately demand a present - a small animal captured in a Dog Crate. If player doesn't have the required gift in their inventory when speaking to him, he will then want to punish you for your error. Should you accept, he will proceed to injure the player, giving you Firebranded feat and allowing you to return later with the present. Should you refuse, he will turn hostile, starting combat with initiative penalty for the player. If you give him the proper gift, he will award you with the key to his cell and allow you to purchase his merchandise of various traps and torturous contraptions. Grampus himself carries Firebrand unique melee weapon, some good quality animal leather and the key to his cell. In the cell two skeletons can be found, containing some random electronic and mechanical components.

In case player gives him Captured Laser Cat, he will be instantly killed by the overcharged feline.

This event has a high chance of occurring, but will only do so during Christmas.


Can be entered via hidden ladder in Underpassages A9, near the central lit area with the pipe junction.