Random events
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A random event with Protectorate patrol fighting bandits in Upper Underrail.
Random events are randomly occurring events and encounters that make each playthrough slightly more unique. They include everything from simple loot containers to large fights between guard patrols and gangs, unique events and creatures, merchants, and other travelers.
There are also similar but technically unrelated random locations that are randomized when a new game is started. They stay the same throughout that playthrough.
Technical details
The spawning of events is controlled by these basic parameters:
- Random Event Categories - Different categories, mostly places, where the event can trigger. Empty spaces all around the game world belong into one or more of these categories. See below for a list of them.
- Event Territory Size - Space required by the event, in tiles. (Eg. 3x3)
- Triggering Chance - chance that the event will trigger. Event triggering RNG is seeded in a way that makes savescumming random events inefficient.
A number of other factors can also control random event occurrences:
- Unique events can only appear once per playthrough. (Eg. Two-headed Junkyard Mutant)
- Some events are limited by zone level in addition to normal random event categories.
- Events can also be limited by player's level.
- Certain events depend on player's quest progress. (Eg. Arda's Gangsters)
- Seasonal events: Halloween Lurkers only appear during Halloween.
All events have a Timeout after which they end, usually between 30 and 60 minutes. Events usually despawn after they end, but some (Eg. Abandoned Sofa) stay around.
Random event categories
Random event categories |
campHathor_dock |
caves |
caves_pits |
cavesHard |
coreCity_bar |
coreCity_publicAssembly |
coreCity_stationary |
coreCity_transient |
cvw_hg2_hunterRathoundFight |
darkTerritory |
deadBody |
deadMutie |
default |
dropZone_muggers |
dropZone_secluded |
dropZone_stationary |
facelessPatrolX |
facelessPatrolY |
foundry_bar |
foundry_stationary |
foundry_transient |
foundryPatrolX |
foundryPatrolY |
hangingRat_bar |
ironheadBandits |
junkyard_bar |
junkyard_stationary |
lemuria_deadPirate |
lemuria_deadSormirbaren |
lemuria_lostContainer |
lemuria_nearCattle |
lemuria_sandpits |
lemuria_savages |
lemuria_savages_honeyCollectors |
lostContainer |
lostContainer_floating |
lowerUnderrail |
lowerUnderrail_5x5PassageAmbush |
lunaticBandits |
lup_a9_grampus |
lurkerBandits |
MushroomCove_HunterWolo |
nearCaveWater |
nearRailroad |
nearStation |
oldJunkyard |
passages |
passages_freeDroneMutants |
playerHome_balcony |
playerHome_hallway |
playerHome_main |
protectoratePatrolUpperX |
protectoratePatrolUpperY |
railCrossing |
railCrossing_bar |
RaysShopCustomer |
rig_bar |
southGateStation_bar |
southGateStation_dock |
SROPatrolX |
SROPatrolY |
tchortistPatrolX |
tchortistPatrolY |
test_marineY |
upperUnderrail |
waterways_ChancersBay |
waterways_CoreRing_clean_east |
waterways_CoreRing_clean_west |
waterways_Dreadpool |
waterways_hopperdrome_bar |
waterways_IsaacsRiver |
waterways_jetBattles_commonX |
waterways_jetBattles_commonY |
waterways_lostJets |
waterways_Meatway |
waterways_merchantShipX |
waterways_Rig_Periphery |