- For an alphabetical list of locations, see Category:Locations.
- For a full list of zones and corresponding map files, see Zones.
Underrail takes place in the south end of the titular Underrail, which is a vast system of metro station-states, abandoned underground complexes, natural caverns and tunnels, underground rivers and lakes.
Major locations
A list of the most important major urban areas in South Underrail. Some locations span multiple vertical levels.
Upper Underrail
Upper Underrail was the residential zone of the big underground metro system before things went to hell.
- Core City — A major city that spans both levels of Underrail and serves as a gateway between the levels and United Station territories that lie north of it.
- Fort Apogee — Protectorate's main base in South Underrail.
- Epione Lab — Important strategic location for Protectorate.
- Institute of Tchort — An institute located in an old Biocorp University.
Lower Underrail
Lower Underrail is the industrial/military zone of the underground metro system. Upper Caves surround the lower metro system and Lower Passages lie immediately below it.
- Core City — A major city that spans both levels of Underrail and serves as a gateway between the levels and United Station territories that lie north of it.
- South Gate Station — Also known as SGS, it is the most powerful independent station in South Underrail and the player's home station.
- Foundry — The industrial heart of South Underrail. Its mines make it prosperous and relatively safe from outside threats, but also cause severe air pollution.
- Rail Crossing — A small independent community built inside an old train depot, just barely able to stay independent and fend off bandits from surrounding tunnels.
- South Railroad Outpost — Also known as SRO, Protectorate's only outpost deep in the south end of Lower Underrail.
Lower Caves
Lower Caves are an intricate network of cave tunnels and underground rivers below the Underrail metro system. Waterways connect many of the settlements.
- Core City — A major city that spans both levels of Underrail and serves as a gateway between the levels and United Station territories that lie north of it.
- South Gate Station — Also known as SGS, it is the most powerful station in South Underrail and the player's home station.
- Junkyard — A crude, lawless settlement formed around a junkyard. Controlled by two rival gangs scavenging and exporting equipment from the original junkyard.
- Camp Hathor — Originally a coal mine, this hunting settlement now produces most of South Underrail's meat.
Deep Caverns
The underworld jungle - a place of grim reputation, source of many legends and superstitions. The deepest reaches of the caverns of Underrail. Home to the Tunnelers, also known as the Faceless.
- Cytosine Outpost — A small tchortist outpost with an elevator connecting it to Underrail far above it.
- Talos Outpost — A small faceless outpost far away from tchortists.
- Tunneler City — Rumored to exist somewhere in the Deeps, at the end of the longest Tunneler tunnel.
- Biocorp ruins
- Hollow Earth Research Complex
- Mutagen Tanks
- Arke Power Station
- Caerus Residential Block
Black Sea
Added in Underrail: Expedition expansion, Black Sea is a vast body of water in the northeast, a real underground sea. Avoided by most captains, these infamous waters and shores are home to pirates and worse.
Secret areas
Underrail rewards exploration and perceptive characters. There are secret areas to be accessed all around. In addition to the loot and other benefits, finding these yields an experience bonus in classic XP mode. Discovering secret areas is based on Perception score alone, unlike detecting traps and stealthed characters, which is based on Detection. The Snooping feat helps discovering secrets without high perception.
See Perception for a list of these secrets.
Random locations
- Main article: Random locations
Version added a new type of locale: Random dungeon. On each playthrough, a few randomly chosen dungeon entrance fragments are added into the world. These lead to mini-dungeons that have no static location on the world map and also contain more randomized features than usual dungeons. These mini-dungeons appear in the early game areas, before Junkyard. Version expanded the random dungeon system to include other kinds of randomly appearing locales.
Zone Control
- Main article: Zone Control
All zones in the game are split into 3 distinct categories of zone control for purposes of assassinating non-player characters with traps:
fully controlled,
partially controlled and
uncontrolled zones. The Zone Control Indicator can be found in the upper right corner of game UI.
Quick overview of major area additions.
- Black Sea Expedition
- Deep Caverns
- Institute of Tchort
- Upper Underrail
- Core City
- Foundry and Camp Hathor
- Rail Crossing
- Junkyard