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Messages - harperfan7

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 93
General / Re: Make a monster for Infusion
« on: February 06, 2025, 08:21:07 pm »
I did once say I'd like infusion to have fire lizards.  Orange and black, drop a leather, maybe look like dimetrodons, and have some fire MT abilities.

Bugs / Combo bug
« on: January 19, 2025, 10:26:36 pm »
Combo says "If you land three consecutive damage dealing unarmed"
"damage dealing"
yet people are telling me the first two dont need to deal any damage to the target for it to function, they just need to hit

Suggestions / Re: Stealth bonuses from gear
« on: January 12, 2025, 02:18:22 pm »
I have had over 200 on a guy with 0 stealth before.  Balaclava, soft black leather armor with nimble, ninja tabis, cloaking device, laylow. 

Ive played builds that go to 80 for blindsiding.  Having enough stealth to bypass an encounter is easy enough without any real investment; you dont need interloper for basic stealth needs.  Just being able to start a fight on your own terms is probably the biggest use of stealth.  Some builds with ambush only need enough to get to 100% crit chance, which is way easier if you use a cloaking device. 

General / Re: Black Rock Totem
« on: January 10, 2025, 02:25:22 pm »
Keep blasting it.

General / Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« on: January 10, 2025, 02:24:28 pm »
TM pistol is the strongest build at endgame, but it slowly builds up to that ranking.

Suggestions / Re: Stealth bonuses from gear
« on: December 30, 2024, 05:17:12 pm »
After conferring with my advisors, I've come to the conclusion that halving the existing flat bonus of skill boosts, but also adding a +% of your base skill is probably a better solution.  The technomedic does this and exists in the game already, so theres a precedent.  So If a current balaclava gives +12 to stealth, it would now give +6 flat and some small percentage of your base (how much?  I'd leave that to styg the math genius); but if the bonus is about the same to a character who actually invested in stealth, then all is right in the world and I'm happy.

General / Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« on: December 30, 2024, 04:01:21 pm »
- Using TM or various perks allowed you to do massive damage to formidable groups of enemies without taking any hits at all. The many, highly effective 3 con builds were pretty obscene.
- Conversely, losing the first turn often meant instant death on dominating, e.g., versus Carnifex.
- Watching a screen of enemies each taking full turns one by one was boring, and necessitated time hack apps.
- Being able to run past a whole pack of rathounds all in one fell swoop, while they sit there doing nothing, was immersion breaking and silly. I quite enjoyed watching how the rathounds closed in around the player.

I suggested a shorter/smaller turns system a long time ago because yes, it's pretty damn silly that I can make literally 30 sword attacks before anybody else can lift a finger.  TM adds to that, but only somewhat; it isn't the whole problem.  I have no problem with 3 con builds being effective alpha strikers or Hit'n'Run-ers, but in underrail it was too much and too easy. 
Waiting on your turn is only bad in expedition where theres often 20 enemies at a time. If the new system is harder/more realistic, we won't be seeing so many combatants in a fight.  There won't be any successful fights against fort apogee for instance.

So many people are dooming about the new system; it feels a lot like how the psi players got mad about the psi nerf. 

General / Re: My thoughts on the new combat system
« on: December 30, 2024, 03:49:40 pm »
The new system is just terrible. This is directly demonstrated at the end of the video when the enemies stop running away for no reason.

Insects don't run if they weren't inclined to run to begin with. 

Suggestions / Stealth bonuses from gear
« on: December 29, 2024, 03:51:15 pm »
I don't think it's right that a character with 0 stealth skill can eventually get a high enough bonus to sneak to avoid auto-detection by all enemies (200+ stealth). 

I propose changing the bonus granted by stealth-boosting gear to a smaller flat bonus, with an and/or percentage bonus as well.  Like:

Black balaclava
This item grants a +3 bonus to stealth or a +3% bonus to stealth, whichever gives a larger bonus. 

Frankly, all skill bonuses from items could work this way.

Edit:  After conferring with my advisors, I've come to the conclusion that halving the existing flat bonus of skill boosts, but also adding a +% of your base skill is probably a better solution.  The technomedic does this and exists in the game already, so theres a precedent.  So If a current balaclava gives +12 to stealth, it would now give +6 flat and some small percentage of your base (how much?  I'd leave that to styg the math genius); but if the bonus is about the same to a character who actually invested in stealth, then all is right in the world and I'm happy.

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: December 28, 2024, 08:25:10 pm »
Luckily, the attackers are *not* the Faceless, but whoever is behind this is knows what they're doing.

Prepare yourself, Agent - there will definitely be more of them coming!


Agent Henderson at the core city warehouse invasion.  "but whoever is behind this is knows what" the second "is" shouldnt be there

General / Re: Video discussion
« on: December 26, 2024, 02:58:26 am »
You're the first that Ive seen so far.

Builds / Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
« on: December 25, 2024, 01:02:48 pm »
Had an idea for a slightly alternative build:  max dex, 10 agi, taking uncanny dodge at 10 or 12th instead of expert sprint later on.  Uncanny dodge is nice for handling stealthed melee enemies like deathstalkers and muggers (if you can think to use it first), and is nice for not being forced to kite in fights with heavy melee enemies (though you still have to watch out for roots, stuns, and incaps; roots especially). 

Suggestions / New bolt types (infusion)
« on: December 25, 2024, 12:03:29 am »
As variants of the standard bolt (not special bolts):

Broadhead bolt:  basically a jhp bolt; more damage but higher penalty vs armor
Bodkin bolt: basically a w2c bolt; less damage but better armor penetration

Since they aren't special bolts, you can use them with snipe, aimed shot, etc.  This is assuming that infusion will make you use a "quiver" of loaded bolts or something; if it keeps underrails "all regular bolts loaded at all times", then you'd need some kind of bolt selection to activate

Suggestions / Re: Throwing Axes
« on: December 19, 2024, 01:02:44 am »
Handles could be made from other materials. Machete, sledgehammers, knives, and spears are craftable. And those do have handles.

He meant that there's no axes because theres no wood to chop. 
BUT there is an axe!  Ferryman has one on his boat.

Builds / Re: Optimal non-psi hammer build
« on: December 16, 2024, 10:23:30 pm »
it already can, though granted not in DC
seems I forgot to factor in the lurker knives; thats another +5 or so

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